Baby Affinity

The last list of baby names
you need for the first important decision.

Baby Affinity is proud to be the first solution to introduce a name rating system for users. Baby Affinity monitors your in-app selections to curate a list of choices for your next baby's name. With over 2000 names available, this app is designed to be the perfect tool for anyone.


Baby Affinity is feature packed and growing! Not sure what to expect? Baby Affinity even divides names into sex to seperate your decision!

  • Affinity Rating System
  • Over 2000 names and growing
  • Reset your data at any time
  • Dark Mode Support
  • In-App Support
  • Privacy

Affinity Rating System

The Affinity Rating System is designed and customized to provide the best user experience in determining a user's affinity for a name. The Affinity Rating System is an adaptation of the ELO rating system created by Arpad Elo; which is used world-wide for many competitive environments.

Unique Lists

The Affinity Rating System enables the app's engine to provide a unique list of names for each user. No two lists are ever the same!

Watch Names Develop

Know whether a name is just a spontanous decision or one developed with reason! The Affinty Rating System provides the app with changes to names overtime!
To be released


Baby Affinity utilizes many of the inherent tools available to iOS!

  • SwiftUI 2.0
  • Combine
  • CoreData
  • Storekit
  • Network
  • OpenSSL
  • MessageUI
  • Foundation


Submit all inquiries to the support link for Baby Affinity.